Browsing Doctoral Thesis by Title
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Application of information technology (it) in distance learning in higher education with special reference to India
(Department of Library & Information Science, University of Calicut., 2008) -
Development and management of engineering college libraries in Kerala
(Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut, 2022)Engineering practice and its related technologies have become global in scope and scale. To be effective, today’s engineering graduates must not only be grounded in scientific and mathematical fundamentals, engineering ... -
Digital divide among students of universities in Kerala
(Department of Library And Information Science University of Calicut, 2019) -
Emotional intelligence of library professionals In the universities of Kerala
(Department of library and information science university of calicut, 2019) -
Epic as a dynamic living library: an extrapolative study of the Mahabharata
(Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut, 2024)It is the explicit/tacit bifurcation of knowledge that serves as the basis of Knowledge Management (KM) practices today. Considering how such a bifurcation theory came to develop in KM, we come across the knowledge conversion ... -
Impact of information services of social organizations on empowerment of women in northern districts of Kerala: an evaluative study
(Department of Library & Information Science, University of Calicut., 2009) -
Information requirements of career seekers in kerala in relation to information resources and services in libraries
(Department of Library & Information Science, University of Calicut, 2004) -
An investigative study on awareness and use of assistive technologies for information support for differently abled persons in Kerala
(f Library and Information Science University of Calicut, 2019) -
Preservation of Doceumentary Heritage Colections: A study of Selected Cultural Institutions in Kerala.
(Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut, 2024-05-21)Documentary heritage collection denotes all kinds of documentary archival materials related to the cultural, historical, and scientific traditions of various civilizations around the world. Libraries and cultural ... -
Professionalism among library professionals in University Libraries in Kerala.
(Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut, 2024-05-24)In general, professionalism refers to the skill of becoming an expert in one's industry and making an effort to uphold the standards set by the profession. In the discipline of library and information science (LIS), ... -
Quality of Work Life and Job Attitude of Library Professionals of Universities in Kerala
(University of Calicut., 2019-10) -
Reading Behaviour in Digital Environment: A Study among Students of Universities in Kerala
(Department of Library and Information Science University of Calicut, 2018) -
Service Quality of Special Libraries in Kerala
(Dept. of Library & Information Science University of Calicut, 2018) -
A study of the application of information technology in tribal medicine in Kerala with regard to forest medicinal plants
(Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut, 2002) -
Study of the Information Requirements and Information Use Pattern of the Members of Grama Panchayats in Kerala
(Department of Library & Information Science, University of Calicut., 2008) -
A study of the introduction, application and utilization of information technology in higher educational context in Kerala
(Dept. of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut., 2008) -
Survey of the pattern of literature search by the science researchers of Kerala, Calicut and Kochin universities
(Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calicut., 1992) -
Use pattern of electronic information resources in the college libraries in Kerala: an analytical study
(Department of Library & Information Science, University of Calicut., 2008)