സാഹിത്യത്തിന്റെ ചരിത്രപരത : മലയാളത്തിലെ തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത രാമായണപാഠങ്ങളെ ഉപജീവിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുള്ള അന്വേഷണം
The conviction of literature is subject to seasonal changes. Basing on
this principle, this thesis is an attempt to discover some convictions or
literary interests prevailed in different epochs. By enquiring the literary
percepts of different periods, the history of literature itself can be traced.
This thesis is an attempt to mark the changes in literature in terms of
narration, structure and theme, and thus to investigate the ways of that
changes evolved in literature.
Selected Ramayana texts of various periods are utilized to unify the
study. Rather than cultural analysis from within the works, it is studied
how the texts were accepted and evaluated by the period of their origin
and succeeding periods. By assimilating the various literary factors like
gender studies, cultural studies and literary theories the thesis culturally
analysis the factors that determined the literariness. With this purpose the
studies appeared basing on the selected lessons are also analyzed.
Apart from the introduction and conclusion, there are four chapters
in this thesis. 1. Literature-history-literariness. 2. Pre-modern Ramayana
texts. 3. Modern literary discourses. 4. Postmodern literary discourses.
The first chapter attempts to mark the different literary variations
evident in novel, poetry, criticism, drama and literature histories.
Formation of literary litigation is also discussed in this chapter.The second chapter develops basing on the pre modern Ramayana
texts like 'Ramacharità and 'Adyathma Ramayana'.
The third chapter analyses the characteristics of Ramayana texts
appeared in the modern phase and marks the literariness. The works like
'Sri Valmiki Ramayaná by Vallathole, 'Chinthavishtayaya Sita' by
Kumaranasan, 'Ahalya' by Sahodaran Ayyappan, 'Valmikiyude Raman'
by Kuttikrishna marar, 'Lankalakshmi' by C. N. Sreekandan nair.
The fourth chapter deals with post-modern Ramayana texts,
'Urukaval', a novel by Sarah Joseph ; stories like 'Ahalya', 'Mandodari',
'Thara Fernades' (all are stories from 'Pancha Kanyakakal' - a collection
of stories by N.S. Madhavan); 'Valmikam', 'Santha - Ramante ner
pengal','Meenakshi' (all are from 'Penramayana'- a collection of stories by
Anand Neelakandan).
The investigations in this thesis validate the hypothesis that the
literariness of the literature is being determined by the constant contact of
the literature with the society. The literary litigation creates its history by
substantive interactions with the society - politically, socially culturally
and historically.
This discourse of literature establishes that literariness is not
constant and cannot be marked by straight lines. It will progress by its
own unpredictable paths.
- Doctoral Theses [565]