History: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 51
State as an oppressive instrument : the jail experiences of political prisoners in malabar, 1921 - 1947
(Department of History University of Calicut, 2019) -
Education in Kerala: transition from pre-colonial to the colonial phase
(Department of History University of Calicut, 2019) -
Dominium populy dominium terra: social construction of property right in pre-modern Kerala (A. D. 1200-1800 A. D.)
(Department of History, University of Calicut, 2019) -
Notions of Womanhood, Family, Marriage and Morality among Namboothiris and Nairs in late Nineteenth century and early Twentieth Century Malabar
(Department of History, University of Calicut., 2017) -
War in City Scape: Popular Responses in Kozhikode 1914-1918
(Department of History, University of Calicut., 2017) -
The Socio Cultural Formation of a Colonial Town: The City Scape of Palakkad, 1860-1947
(Department of History, University of Calicut., 2017) -
Community, identity and communalism: a study on hindu society in malabar from colonial period to the present
(Dept. of History, University of Calicut., 2015) -
Royal Indian navy mutiny: a study of its impact in south India
(Department of History, University of Calicut., 2014) -
Social transformation and Ramakrishna Movement in Kerala, with special reference to the role of Swami Nirmalananda
(Department of History, University of Calicut, 2023)Though there are studies on the Ramakrishna Mission and its impact on different parts of India, studies on the Mission’s impact on Kerala society are comparatively less, and the role played by Swami Nirmalanada, the fore ... -
Colonialism, Circulation and Representations: a social history of transportation networks in colonial malabar (c 1800-1936)
(Department of History PSMO College, Tirurangadi.University of Calicut, 2023-08)Mobility is a fundamental trait of living organism. Ability to move is the defining characteristic of Homo sapiens. One geographically, physically and even could find the intricate connection between mobility and ... -
Images of Pazhassi Raja: Text and Context, 1785-2010
(Department of History,University of Calicut, 2023) -
Literature and Left Movements In Keralam: The Problem of Ideological Transformation (1937- 1957)
(Dept. of History, University of Calicut., 2022) -
History and contributions of the jesuits in Kerala (1542- 1773)
(Department of History, University of Calicut, 2011) -
The growth of vaisnavism in medieval Kerala: a reconstruction from archaeological and literary records
(Dept.of History, University of Calicut, 2012) -
The First Popular Government in Kerala and Liberation Struggle – 1957-59: A Historical Study
(Department of History, University of Calicut, 2013) -
Science, scientific temper and rationality: a review of the experiences of Kerala renaissance
(Department of History, University of Calicut,2019., 2019) -
Development of transport and communication in travancore (1860-1948): the socio-economic impact
(Department of History, University of Calicut, 2019., 2019) -
Matriliny and Women in Medieval Kerala
(Department of History, University of Calicut, 2013., 2013) -
Formation of material culture in the bharathapuzha basin during the Pre-historic and early historic period – a study of megalithic burials
(Department of History, University of Calicut, 2018., 2018) -
De-framing gender, nationalism and subaltern spaces: Malayalam Cinema 1970-1990
(Department of history, University of calicut, 2021)